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Parkinson's disease is also called primary parkinsonism for which no cause has yet been found.     Learn more...
Parkinson has no cure but a variety of medications provide dramatic relief from the symptoms.     Learn more...
In keeping with our mission to help you manage Parkinson's surf downloadable resources for sourcing material   Download now
Join us in improving the quality of life for Parkinson’s patients. We can not do it without your help.
How Can You Help?
  • By signing up as a volunteer and getting involved with 'support groups' and other group activities for PD patients.
  • By becoming a Patron and joining the "Order of the Red Tulip".
  • By sponsoring the Society, publications, events and creating awareness activities:
  • Platinum sponsor    Rs. 300,000/-
  • Gold sponsor            Rs. 200,000/-
  • Silver sponsor           Rs. 100,000/-
  • By becoming a Corporate Life Member of the Society.
  • By adopting a patient covering cost for medicines Rs. 7500/- per year .
  • Actively participate in fund raising / other 'patient centric' events.
  • Act as a spokesperson for creating awareness about PD.
  • Supporting the winter Unity Walk.
  • By contributing to the Medicine Bank.
  • Actively engage in soliciting new membership of the society.
You can also contribute by placing an advertisement or dedication banner on the Pakistan Parkinson’s Society website.
Please contact us at info@parkinsons.org.pk for further information.
   How can you help?